Monday, May 4, 2009

Yikes! Is It My Turn Already!

Apparently I blinked and for a nanosecond wasn't paying attention and there was some sort of behind the back election and all of a sudden I find out that it is my responsibility to do the Mother's Day dinner.

Whoa! Panic!

Wait a minute. Deep breath. Exhale.

Ok. No worries! I'll make the one thing that always makes them want to be able to stuff just a little more in. Anthony's Spaghetti Sauce. That is certainly "To Die For". Perhaps to mix it up a bit I'll make a batch of Chicken Alfredo as well. That way nobody will have anything to complain about unless they choose, of their own accord, to overindulge. To temp the overindulgers, there will be a bunch of Anthony's Garlic Bread as well.

To quote the Borg, "Resistance is futile!" Come with an extreme, gnawing hunger or don't come at all! Relax Ma, I'm just joking!

Prepare yourselves to be pleasantly satiated with Jonathan's contribution in the salad and hors d'oeuvres departments.

Hey! Congratulations to Aaron, my seventeen year old nephew! I hear that he successfully completed the Eugene marathon on Sunday. If you've never run or even walked a marathon then you probably don't know what kind of remarkable feat this is but take it from me, it is very cool and even if he never does it again, it will remain an event that he will be proud of, with good cause, forever. Good job Aaron. This memory will remain with you for your whole life.

Thanks for coming by,


  1. Yum, Yum, you know I'll be there!

    Love your cooking!

    You're the best!

  2. Yumm!! the food looks great and what a handsome kid.
