Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Is My Life Really That Boring?

Oh Man! I let another four weeks go by before I tapped out a post. I am so sorry!

A friend of this blog asked recently how our special event at Monticello Antique Marketplace went. I can honestly report that it was absolutely a success! I'd have to agree with a comment made by the owner of the store. There doesn't seem to be an economic crisis going on at Monticello!

I don't know if the rest of this will be thought provoking or not but it is at least interesting to me and hopefully stimulate something in you!

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.
Abraham Lincoln

I never realized that this quote is actually atributed to the man who is perhaps the most revered president that this country has ever had. Interesting!

Now it probably would be prudent to end this post and allow Lincoln's words to sink in. I, however, am going to charge forward like a lemming bent on self destruction. What is the matter with me?

I don't know why the piece of journalism to which I'm about to refer rated any space in the Oregonian but somehow it did. I wish I knew if it was printed in the news section of the paper or only in the opinion pages. I read it on line as there just isn't enough value in the printed sheets to make it worth my while to purchase this rag.

Anglican parish splits from Episcopal congregation in Northeast Portland

I don't know why this piece was newsworthy but it did generate a bit of interest. At the time of this post, there were 66 comments. I was interested to note that only one in my opinion seemed to have a well reasoned thought on this event. Why is it that there are so many ignorant individuals who are willing to attempt to wax eloquent on a subject on which they know so little about.

Look! I doubt, with all of my tiny brain, that The Holy Creator of Life categorizes sins like His human creation is so prone to do. Anything that is contrary to His Holy charactor is sin and I am confident that He regards it as such. When humanity chooses to disregard the fact that it is this sin which will ultimately separate it from its creator, all hope is lost. It is critical to note that the Creator's love for humanity, in spite of its weaknesses, is so great that He developed a way to escape the judgement that a holy God must pass on to an unrepentent soul.

I believe that the reason a number of individuals chose to leave this local body to form their own congregation was due to the fact that the Episcopalian hierarchy who apparently had financial control over the building itself chose to disregard Biblical authority in favor of their own personal views of how things ought to be. It reminds me of how it was in the days of the Judges of Israel where "Every man did what was right in his own eyes".

It is time that the creation, mankind, begins to recognize its rightful place before an almighty God. If, in fact, pastor Humphrey and his flock have chosen to leave so that they may better understand the charactor of God as literally described in the scriptures and serve Him to the best of their understanding, then my support is with them.

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