Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The PDGA? What?

We took a quick trip to Eugene on Sunday afternoon to visit with my sister, her family, my dad, and his wife. We enjoyed a grand time together including a barbequed meal featuring Chef Marv, stimulating conversation, and a sneak preview of what will soon be the newest antique/High Tea establisment in Eugene, Colby Cottage. Check it out, please!

We were so into the whole event that when I finally checked my watch and discovered it was already 9:00pm and we still had at least a two hour drive to Portland, I shouted marching orders and everybody jumped in the car (after the obligatory hugs and all) and we were off towards home.

Somewhere along the way, I discovered that we had picked up an additonal passenger. (Just kidding!) Aaron, my nephew, is only slightly older than Jonathan and is always good company and we were pleased to have him along. During the following day while I was at work, they enjoyed sleeping in, video games, and a few hours swimming at the SE Portland Community Center.

When I got off work I got a call from the "woman of the house" asking if I would pick them up at the mall as she was out with a friend browsing the local thrift store circuit.

After dinner we discussed what to do with the next few hours. Knowing that Aaron is a disc golf enthusiast and knowing that there is a course close by, we decided to purchase a few discs and try our hands at the game. Jonathan and I have only limited experience with the sport. However, we found it to be a pleasant expenditure of a few hours of time which came with a gentle bit of exercise as a side benefit. Debbie refused to participate but contributed to the event as the resident photographer. I hope you can enjoy our time together vicariously.

By the way, the PDGA is the Professional Disc Golf Association. Did you know there even was such a thing? Who would have thought?

1 comment:

  1. How fun!!! Yes Aaron had a great time and was so glad you were game to play disc golf. I love the blog and really appreciate all the support and enthusiasm. Thanks so much!!~Kathy
