When I was a kid I loved to read and I put in many hours immersed in some goofy novel. I'm afraid that I didn't tend to consume important, inspirational prose. It was reading, however, and there is at least some value in that. Now reading is something that I do in tiny incremental moments. Magazines are my usual choice because articles can often be digested in the time that it takes to accomplish certain unmentionable functions in the privacy of the bathroom.
A couple of weeks ago we took a family camping vacation. If you are a regular reader of this blog you are already aware of this. During one of our excursions into a nearby town I visited a thrift store. Realizing that this camping vacation was providing significant slots of time in which there was no urgent need for any of my skills or attention, I wandered through the book selection. It was here that I discovered the first book that I have read in perhaps ten years or more. (I've started several but I don't think that I've completed any, front to back, in at least that many years.) It seems remarkable, even to me.
Ok, here is a secret glimpse into the private thoughts of this blogger. I love talk radio and my all time favorite, though no longer on the air, was Bill O'Reilly. In my opinion, he was the fairest of all radio talk show hosts. He would generally present each side of an issue and give the listener the freedom to choose which position to take. I was a complete fan of his style and thoroughly enjoyed his show. When he quit radio and decided to focus on his television show, I was bummed out to say the least. When I saw a book which credited him as the author, I immediately was interested.
As it turns out, the book is an autobiographical account about Bill in his formative years. You know, how he came to be the person that he is from average, perhaps even lower middle class to the multi-million dollar national figure who rubs shoulders with the important people, even U.S. presidents. As Commander Spock might have said, facinating!
Let me say it now, it was facinating! I found myself completely entertained. He was such a Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn type of rascal growing up that I found myself frequently laughing hilariously throughout the covers of this book.
Now, I am a slow reader because I focus on each word and thought, and it took me a number of hours to read this book but I suspect that most folks could knock this one out in a significantly shorter period of time. I have to recommend it though because in addition to the entertainment value, there was significant emphasis on what I believe are the kinds of traditional values that made this great country, The United States of America. Just as Bill would tell you, if you work hard to be the best at whatever you do, this country affords you the opportunity to be sucessful.
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