I think that I'll start putting a few thoughts down here on this web log in case anybody wants to know what's going on with me, I'll just refer them to this blog.
Some of the content will be regarding the menus that I've chosen to satisfy my family's insatiable appetite. Sometimes I'll write about my job and what has been going on at work. Perhaps there will even be times when I will be able to write about my favorite subjects--the things that I love like fishing, collecting and getting out in the woods to enjoy God's remarkable creation.
It is getting a little late so I'll try and get back to this tomorrow. If we're lucky, we'll have some pictures to talk about. We'll see you then, Bob
Bob : nice job , glad to see what you do all day. Did a good job on your blog, Shirley
ReplyDeleteSounds like the outdoors are calling you.I guess that's why I love my job.It takes me outside when the weather is mild.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the blog and the pics. Dad