People always pick things up to look at them and then just plop them back down with no consideration for where they put them. The other day they called from Monticello to say that they were sorry but a strange, disaggreable smell had been floating around the store for a number of hours and they finally discovered the source was coming from our space. Someone had picked up a nice mink stole which we were selling and when they put it down, they placed it on a lamp bulb and the fur had burnt where it was touching the lit bulb. What were they thinking?
Ok, I'm back. Now let's get back to my previous thought. We finished sprucing up the space and then wandered around the store as we are often inclined to do. It is not completely unusual for Debbie to find something that she doesn't think she can live without and, in fact, this was one of those times. It was an unusual floral frog for her collection. A little more unusual, though not completely unheard of, is for me to find something that I need to have. This happened to be one of those days. I found an old framed print that just said take me home. I love hunting and fishing and since I don't get to go nearly as often as I'd like, I like to surround myself with things that remind me of the outdoors and the animals that I love. It's kind of a vicarious hunting experience.
Oh well, it really didn't cost much and we even found a place in living room to hang it. Hey! Let me show you some of my other favorite prints.
I love those pictures. Especially the one with the elk.