Well, God spoke to Moses and said he had six days to do his work. On the seventh, he was supposed to rest. Good policy I'm sure. For me, there are five days that include pretty arduous work. On the sixth day we start to wind down. We still get a lot of work done but it is a different kind of work. A wise man once said, a change is as good as a vacation. That has a lot of truth to it! On Saturdays, we normally go out working the estate sale circuit and collect a variety of items that we think we can turn around for a profit over at Monticello or on line. It accomplishes a couple of important goals. We have developed another source of income which is rather valuable especially in todays economically challenged environment. It also gives my wife, Debbie and I a number of hours together working in tandem for a common goal. I believe that over the last several years, it has been good for us.
Here are a couple of items that I picked up this week.We got some others as well but you'll have to check out My Shabby Roses Blog in a day or so to see the other stuff. Actually, a few items are already at Monticello.Above is an Ocean City Automatic 90 and a Tahoe 201. Neither company is in business currently.
Above is pictured a couple of books that I thought Debbie would appreciate. One is an old French dictionary and the other is an old German book of poetry. Neither of us can read either language but the graphics in each of them is interesting and we each can appreciate that.
Uh Oh! This picture is of a couple of items that like the reels above will likely find their way into my personal collection. I love old lures and especially the wooden ones or even plastic if they come with their original boxes. Can you agree with me that the graphics on this old box are just outstanding? Ok, I admit it, I have the collector's disease and have a rather neurotic affection for old fishing items. I don't even know where to seek help for this ailment and even if I did, I might be hesitant to get help because I actually really like this stuff.l
Next month I planned a fishing trip with some family and friends and even though Jonathan doesn't appreciate fishing the same as I do I thought that I'd bring him along just for the company. I needed another float tube, however, so I started checking out Craig's List for some possibitlities. I found a great deal for a Caddis Navigator II float tube. It retails for at least $170.00-$$190.00 and I got it for $30.00 plus a nice set of fins for an additional $10.00. Sorry Jon, you'll be using the old tube while I sit in ultimate comfort in the Navigator II!
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