The month started out with a great couple of days off down in Southern Oregon. I even got a chance to get some fishing line wet on the Rogue River. It would have been fun to actually catch a fish but alas, that wasn't to be. It was a beautiful day on one of the finest rivers in the country.

I did see a lot of evidence that the kings were in the water and even saw some other guy catch one. What I got was memories, (Brother-in-law Terry and nephew Wyatt)

poison oak,

and pictures!

Life was about to change significantly.
We got home and had to start setting up our space at Monticello for the Fall Show. For no apparent reason Debbie was experiencing significant pain in her neck. She saw the doctor who prescribed a mild narcotic but that had virtually no effect. The next day a significant pain killer was prescribed and again almost no effect on the pain. Suddenly, I found myself with her in ER.
That doctor prescribed a opiate called Dilaudid that probably would put most people under the table. It apparently did take the edge off and Debbie was finally able to sleep but she must have some serious resistance to pain relievers. She must have a serious resistance to pain as well because she quit taking the pill pretty quickly.
We still don't know what the origin of the pain is but fortunately, it has subsided significantly.
Anyway, we were able to get the space at Monticello set up and it has been a sucessful show so far. Let me leave you with a few images of our portion of the show. Check out the Monticello links that I've provided earlier in this post or come by in person for a more complete view of what's going on over there.
This is kind of an adendum but I have to mention that today would have been my mother's birthday. She is still survived by her husband, four adoring children and more grandchildren than I care to count this late at night. You need to know that we still love and miss her and want those of you who knew her to remember as well.
Glad to hear that Debbie is feeling better. Also thanks for remembering mom for us all!
Hi Bob this is Marv.I'm glad to here Deb is feeling better also but to be right honest I didn't know anything was wrong with her.Anyway just checking up on you and hope all is well.