This weekend we had some reason to walk into the local Verizon Wireless store. While there we started talking about the new smart phones that have come out recently and suddenly I owned one. It is the new Droid Charge by Samsung. OK I am a little embarrassed but this is a really cool phone with some really amazing features. To begin with the processor is one gigahertz which is blazingly fast. I've been streaming music via Pandora radio for two days and the phone hasn't even coughed. My old Motorola Droid used to stall and sputter regularly. I also recently tried to view a video on the old Droid and the stream was so choppy and intermittent that I quit and went and found something else to do. As soon as I got this new phone home I watched the same video and it was just as smooth as warm butter. It comes loaded with apps some of which I probably won't use but many of them are very cool and useful and I am looking forward to utilizing all of that potential. The fact is, I do not have the geek gene and sometimes technology is a little beyond the reach of my cognitive ability but this phone is pretty easy to figure out and has a lot of useful features.
The first image you saw on this post is the front view of my phone. This is a more professional image of the anterior and posterior view.
I'm not sure if you can see from the images but there is an 8 mega pixel camera on the back and a 1.3 mega pixel camera on the front. I sure could have used that feature this weekend in Seattle.
I'm told that the 4G LTE network will be complete later in 2011 and the speed of the device will be more fully utilized at that time. But just as I have stated earlier, I have already noticed some of the advantages this phone has over my earlier device.
I think we'll have to make another trip to Seattle so you can use that phone my "geeky" husband!