I just completed the first day of my second week back to work. It has been a pretty smooth transition back into the normal work week. I've felt great and have had no discomfort or difficulty during my return. I am so thankful to The Creator for His blessing me with continued health and the ability to do a physical job.
The other day Debbie and I went to a short class at the doctor's office regarding our diet. Well it wasn't our diet specifically, it was more a healthy diet in general. Did you realize that a certain amount of fat in one's diet is healthy. Of course you did. But I was interested and a bit pleased to find that at least two tablespoons of olive oil per day is recommended. That is just soo exciting to me. I have only recently learned to enjoy a vinegrette dressing on a salad and to find that I can have at least two tablespoons of dressing is just amazing. Here is a simple recipe for a vinegrette. You can tweek it in so many ways so be creative and healthy.
Start with 3 parts olive oil and one part acid. (Choose a red or white wine vinegar or a basalmic or white basalmic vinegar) Add a teaspoon or so of dijon mustard, a bit of salt, a bit of pepper, and perhaps a pinch or so of brown sugar. Give it a good shake for a minute or so and taste. If it is too oily still, add a bit more vinegar, too sour perhaps a touch more oil or sugar.
I read a couple of novels over the last couple of weeks. I hadn't read a novel in many, many years and wasn't sure what to expect. I chose my novels differently than perhaps some people might. I suppose it would be prudent to see what most people are reading and choose from that list. I, however, don't always do things the same way other folks do them. I love talk radio and since it was Christmas time suggested to the people around me that I was interested in reading a couple of novels by popular talk show hosts. The hints were heeded and the books arrived at my door step from Amazon. The first book I read was Glenn Beck's "The Overton Window".
This was his first attempt at a thriller I believe and it was ok. The overton window concept is facinating. I hope you'll look it up as I don't have the time to adequately explain it. The story itself was interesting but it seemed to end too abruptly as if the author all of a sudden discovered that there were too many pages. I appreciated that the language and content was not particularly "adult" in nature and because of the PG rating, I don't mind suggesting that you read the story. I might even enjoy hearing how you liked the book.
This post is going a bit long as I am often prone to do so I'll stop for the evening and post on my second novel in a day or two. Thanks for wading through this drivel. Each of you brings a bit of light to my existance and I am grateful for it.
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